Looking back on 2022

It’s mid December, which means it’s time for an end of the year recap.

I wanted to reflect on the last 12 months to remind myself of what I have accomplished and achieved. It’s unfortunately too easy to lose sight of the bigger picture and forget about the small wins we get on daily/weekly basis. I’ve certainly suffered from feelings of inadequacy (or impostor syndrome), so just like spotify, here’s my 2022 wrap up.

This year I:

  • Grew a yeard (a beard for a year)
  • Got my driving license
  • Learned kubernetes in depth
  • Passed the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer certification
  • Passed the Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification
  • Shut down snippa.dev (RIP)
  • Launched ngnr.club
  • Got over my fear of traveling post covid (best experience of the year for me)
  • Finally cut my hair
  • Lost a good portion of the weight I had gained during Covid (still a way to go)
  • Fought my crippling stage fear and started my YouTube and Twitch channels
  • Followed through with the commitments I made to myself at the beginning of the year.
  • Made time to actually pursue photography as a hobby.

Things I learned

Patience, resilience, determination, commitment, courage, discipline, self-accountability. When life gets in the way, keep going. That’s when the results eventually start to show. If you have a goal, do everything you can to make it happen.